About Us

Empowering Female Pickleball Players

Getting compliments on my clothing is the only real reason I leave the house some days, a quick little "Hey I like your top" or "nice glasses!" is an addictive boost of serotonin that I hope to give to my customers as well. Through clever and witty designs, I want to give women the opportunity to show the world a little piece of themselves and proudly proclaim- this is me!

I'm an award-winning comedy screenwriter and during the strike, it's been challenging to keep up with living expenses. I created this shop as a way to spread more humor and positivity in the world, through design and wit. It's become an outlet for my creativity in a way I never expected.

My mission goes beyond bringing a smile to the court. As an avid high school athlete, I believe supporting and advocating for equality is important- both on and off the court. For that reason, a portion of each sale is donated to the Women's Sports Foundation. A non-profit building a future where every girl and woman can play, be active, and realize her full potential.

Thank-you for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon!
